Worship Ministry
Worship is central to how we gather together as a community of faith. Worship helps us to focus on God, learn about our faith, and be strengthened to serve God and others.
For more information on worship times, click here.
If you'd like more information on any of these different ministries, please contact the church office at 908-685-1660 or office@gslutheranchurch.org.
Worship stewards help make our worship experience rich and smooth!
Many people are engaged as stewards on Sunday mornings – some serve as worship assistants, ushers, acolytes or communion assistants. Others bake bread, count offerings, welcome guests or help with the sound system.
There's something for everyone!
Follow the button above to find out how you can serve as a Worship Steward at GSLC!
Grace Alive! ​
Besides traditional worship music, Good Shepherd also "kicks it up a notch" with a praise band and other, more modern, up-tempo music.
We enjoy all types of music, and Grace Alive! allows us to show that in a meaningful way.
Singers help lead the congregation in song, while a wide range of instrumentalists help enliven worship and praise.
Folks play keyboards, guitars, bass, drums, flutes, cellos and more! All are welcome to join in and share their gifts. To join, EMAIL our music director with your inquiry.
GSLC Choir
The choir is, of course, for those who love to sing. This is a great ministry to be involved in for anyone who wants to make a "joyful noise"!
Musical instrumentalists support the GSLC Choir during festival worship services.
If you are passionate for singing, or playing an instrument, you are encouraged and invited to join!
To join or for more information, EMAIL our music director with your inquiry.
Prayer Ministers
Prayer and conversation with God are central to our life as faithful individuals and as community.
Prayer ministers are available by phone and are willing to do home visits.