Good Shepherd is a resource congregation for the synod and surrounding Somerville community. We have many community groups that meet and use our building space.
The building is handicapped accessible with ramp entrances, wide doors and restroom facilities (located between Rooms A and B.) Wi-Fi is available throughout the facilities.
Check out some of our spaces below!

The screen (reredos) behind the altar depicts the outstretched arms of God welcoming all. The seating (pews) are arranged to provide a good line of sight to all. The choir and organ are in a loft area in the rear of the room. Speakers wear microphones and worship resources are projected. Large print materials are also available.

Memorial Garden
A quiet meditative space with benches; Interment of ashes is permitted.

Luther Hall
The original worship space when the congregation first formed. This space is used for Day Care activities and larger events, meal functions, and parties. There is a ceiling mounted projector and an electric screen for presentations, movies and internet sources. There is a full kitchen available for preparing food and clean up.

Narthex (Gathering Space)
This large area where we greet each other and share refreshment on Sunday morning is intentionally designed to encourage people to remain and visit. It is also the area where announcements and opportunities are posted to volunteer and share gifts with each other and the community.

The grounds are used in different ways to enhance our ministry to others. Our N. Clark Lawn is used for our annual Living Nativity. Our parking lot is frequently used for community outreach events. GSLC has a community garden which supplies fresh vegetables for our Food Pantry. A rain garden was built to help rain water from the roofs be absorbed into the ground instead of entering the storm drains; and a butterfly friendly garden has been planted to provide sanctuary to endangered monarch butterflies.

This area is used by our outstanding Day Care center and is open to the community until dusk every day.