
September Day
Words & Music - Debbie Gelormine
Performed by Debbie Gelormine
A faithful reflection on the events of 9/11/2001.

God is Our Refuge
Words & Music by Jeff Davis
Arrangement for Grace Alive! by Charles German
Performed by our Grace Alive! Praise Band

Creed (I Believe)
Words & Music written by Jeff Davis.
Arrangement by Charles German
Performed by our Grace Alive! Praise Band.

Jesus - He's the Way
Words & Music by Jeff Davis
Arrangement for Grace Alive! by Charles German
Performed by our Grace Alive! Praise Band
Music to Share
We share our faith in our worship and in our actions but also in our music. At Good Shepherd, we are blessed with people who share their musical talents through singing, playing, and songwriting. Below is some original music written and performed by Good Shepherd members that we share with you.
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